If you fail to plan, you plan to eat ice cream and watch Netflix
Or, put the Global Climate Strike in your calendar?

For a long time I’ve just assumed that I would never be able to participate in civil acts of disobedience because I don’t have the time. I don’t have time is my party line, and because I love rigorous adherence to my own tropes, I’d never thought to question it. Until yesterday.
I have time. I have time to do all the things I deem “essential,” like making unattractive cakes, and looking at pictures of unattractive cakes, and taking my children to various activities they will likely never medal in. Yes, I exhaust my vacation days and then some, but if I actually care about something (like the existential threat of climate crisis), shouldn’t I build that concern into how I allocate the time I clearly do have?
In order to treat this allocation of time with the same seriousness I would a vacation, I booked the day off for the global climate strike. I turned my Facebook ‘interested’ to a highly committal ‘going,’ which lets you know I am not here to play. I am suddenly full of frenetic bliss at the thought of willfully allocating time to trying my hand at this peaceful civil disobedience thing.
But just moments after my initial revelation that I could give of my own time, I had a second revelation, prompted in no small part by the Objectivismy sounding Australian tech company known as Atlassian. They’ve joined a laudatory effort to encourage employees to attend the Global Climate Strike. It’s called Not Business as Usual, and 20+ Australian companies have signed up. Here in Toronto, generous bosses cheerfully let their employees skip away to the Raptors victory parade. Why not the same top-down support for those wanting to stave off apocalypse? I’ve asked my boss if we can allow all interested employees to go. I’ve asked my boss if we can spearhead a similar Canadian initiative. I’ll keep you posted.
Will you ask to take Friday, September 20th or 27th off wherever you are? Will you carve out calendar time for action? LMK!
I got so many interesting art recommendations, ideas, poems, bits of brilliance. I will stop baking ugly cakes so that I have the time to compile them for next week! Thank you to everyone.
Such a good little piece on reframing, and how Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is a master of rephrasing the ask when she gets a divisive, baiting question thrown at her.
And while I’m Warrening, Jay Inslee DIDpave the climate path, so his campaign was certainly not for naught.
Have a great week!