Nov 6, 2021Liked by Sarah Lazarovic

Everything you said about climate and women (concerned more, caring more, affected more, represented less) applies equally to the US fight for universal healthcare.

Double it for women of color.

At the same time, lest we forget, some of the most egregious counter-examples — for climate, healthcare, anything good and decent — include Kyrsten Sinema, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sarah Palin, Hillary Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, the late Phyllis Schlafly and, across the pond, the late Margaret Thatcher.

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Nov 5, 2021Liked by Sarah Lazarovic

I recommend everything written and performed by America's first Indigenous Poet Laureate, Joy Harjo. She's an incredible poet and musician and her band is great too! "An American Sunrise", "Poet Warrior" and "Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings" might interest you. <3

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I'll go way back for my book recommendation, to the wonderful writer John McPhee's Encounters with the Archdruid in 1971. The book chronicles, in three parts, in-the-wilds debates between David Brouwer – then the director of the Sierra Club – with a dam builder, a mining geologist and a developer. Look for it in used bookstores or from your local library.

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Ooh that sounds incredible, thank you for the reco!!

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